Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Day 346: The Brave Little Toaster

Directed By- Jerry Rees

Writer(s)- Jerry Rees, Jon Ranft Based on the Book By- Thomas Disch

Starring- Deanna Oliver, Timothy E. Day, Jon Lovitz, Tim Stack, Thurl Ravenscroft, Wayne Kaatz, Phil Hartman

Run Time- 1 hr. 30 min.

Critics Review- "An adventure starring slightly anthropomorphized appliances doesn't necessarily sound like a can't-miss proposition--but surprise, it's an actually cute and extremely fun animated flick."- Widgett Walls "Needcoffee.com" 

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 75% Audience- 74%

Out of a possible 5 stars- 5 stars

My Review-

I had kept hearing this was a good movie from all of my friends and now that I have finally watched it, I loved it. I really like all forms of animation especially when it is hand drawn animation like this one, and I can see how much hard work goes into it, and that's what makes movies like this one classics. What also really liked about the movie was the voice choices even if they were not in it for that long, such as Phil Hartman as the air conditioner which was pretty awesome, but my favorite had to be the radio and the lamp, especially the radio since it was voiced by the very talented Jon Lovitz. I also liked how at times it was a musical but not to much of one, they only used the musical numbers when it was need and not thrown all over the place like some animated movies nowadays. All the characters were lovable and I really liked that about this movie, except for the new products that wanted to stop them, I was like those jackass products being so mean because they were jealous. I could see the work of John Lassesster in this since he would go on to Pixar, but also worked on this film, and I could see hints of Toy Story being developed for later on. This review would be a lot longer, but I am watching Doctor Who and I'm almost done with Series 4, so This is what I thought about this movie, I loved it, the characters were awesome and I would love to watch it again, but first I have to watch the sequels later on during the week or possibly next week. So check this movie out if you have never seen it, you will love it if you love animated films.

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