Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day 305: Poltergeist II: The Other Side

Directed By- Brian Gibson

Writer(s)- Michael Grais, Mark Victor

Starring- JoBeth Williams, Craig T. Nelson, Heather O'Rourke, Julian Beck, Oliver Robins, Zelda Rubinstein

Critics Review- "Seems like a string of special effects held together by a far-fetched story line with an unsatisfying sticky-sweet ending."- Nina Darton "New York Times"

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 39% Audience- 47%

Out of a possible 5 stars- 2 stars 

My Review- 

I thought that the sequel to the first Poltergeist would be really good since I LOVE the first one and it is my second favorite horror movie and it was from Spielberg. However this one was just downright disappointing. This did not live up to the first ones potential and in my opinion should not have been made. I think whoever wrote it just wanted to make money off the first one or just rushed it and threw a storyline together that in way may no sense at times. One of the best scenes of the movie was when Craig T. Nelson's character became possessed and went a little crazy, other than that the movie was boring at times and did not have that many scares as the first movie did. The effects were great for the movie but that was really about it and nothing else, at times I did enjoy the movie and other times I just wanted it to end. I would say skip this movie. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day 304: Cronos

Directed By- Guillermo Del Toro

Written By- Guillermo Del Toro

Starring- Ron Perlman, Federico Luppi, Claudio Brook, Margarita Isabel, Tamara Shanath

Run Time- 1 hr. 34 min.

Critics Review- "Cronos is not really about plot. It is about character."- Roger Ebert "Chicago Sun-Times"

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 91%  [CERTIFIED FRESH] Audience- 67%

Out of a possible 5 stars- 4 1/2 stars


My Review-

For this being Del Toro's first film, its a really damn good one. Its like his later ones that he has made that focus's more on the characters and their journey throughout the film rather than the plot itself even though it is just as essential to the movie as the characters are. I really loved the concept about an old relic that was hidden away because it was dangerous and then used for the wrong reason, and its the reason that it was created for that makes it dangerous, which is to offer eternal life for all the wrong reasons. This was also a Spanish language film and I loved how it was in subtitles and in English during certain parts of the movie, mostly the scenes with Ron Perlman, who by the way was really good in the movie. This was one of the earliest films I have seen with Perlman and even here in the movie when he is playing the villain I liked him and was actually hopeing he would do something later on that would change the course of his character in the film, but I was mistaken. This also a very different type of film that I had seen from Del Toro since in a way it can be considered a vampire film, its possibly the best one I have seen in a long time. This is the movie for you if you are a fan of Del Toro or just like vampire movies in general, I think you will thoroughly enjoy this film, because I know I did. I would love to watch this again once I finish this journey since it is probably my favorite film from Del Toro it may beat out Pans Labyrinth and Hellboy II. The one thing I did not like about the film is that the music did not fit well throughout the whole film and I was kinda bummed out because it seemed like it was just put into random spots of the film and it just did not work. Other than that I really liked the movie.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Day 303: Eastern Promises

Directed By- David Cronenberg

Written By- Stephen Knight

Starring- Viggo Mortensen Naomi Watts, Vincent Cassel, Armin Mueller-Stahl

Run Time: 1 hr. 41 min.

Critics Review- "Mortensen delivers yet another startling performance, stunning in its intensity and cunning in its ambiguity."- Carrie Rickey "Philadelphia Inquier" 

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 89% Audience- 82%

Out of a possible 5 stars- 4 1/2 stars

My Review-

I always kept hearing from people to watch this movie, and now that I finally did, it was really good and Viggo Mortensen was freaking amazing. Well for a while this movie was a tad bit confusing than I got the hang of and was able to follow it and man was it good. What really had me with this movie was how great the Russian accents were in the movie even if they were hard to follow at times. This was also probably the first movie I have seen where the Russians were the mobsters, its usually Japanese or Italian, so it was cool to see something different. Also liked how there was little violence in the movie, even though they were mafia, it was mostly story with no violence, and it was only used when it was needed, which is great for these types of films. Even though it was really slow at times I still really enjoyed it, I kinda enjoyed more than Eastern Promises which Cronenberg also directed. This one of Viggo's movies that should not be missed since it is one of his best since the Lord of the Ring Trilogy.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Day 302: House on Haunted Hill (1959)

Directed By- William Castle

Written By- Robb White

Starring- Vincent Price, Carolyn Craig, Elisha Cook, Carol Ohmart, Alan Marshal, Julie Mitchum, Richard Long

Run Time: 1 hr. 14 min.

Critics Review- "Still a classic after the wretched remake, Price's horror film is still fun, even during the cheesy climax."- Felix Vasquez Jr. "Film Threat"

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 95% Audience- 70%

Out of a possible 5 stars- 3 stars

My Review-

Well this was WAY better than the remake that came out in 1999, plus it had Vincent Price. Even though this is the first ever film that I have watched Vincent Price in I really liked him in here and can see why he was a well known horror icon. Even though for the 50s the effects were really cheesy it still paid off in the movie. This was possibly the shortest horror film I ever watched it, but everything paid off at the end. Also some of the characters reactions to something scary in the film was pretty darn funny and it was interesting to see the reactions to these types of things from that time era, and how much it has changed to the horror movie reactions today. I would recommend this film to all horror fans because it is a good watch.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Day 301: Your Sister's Sister

Directed By- Lynn Shelton

Written By- Lynn Shelton

Starring- Mark Duplass, Emily Blunt Rosemarie Dewitt

Run Time- 1 hr. 31 min.

Critics Review- "[It] was shot in a mere 12 days, on a budget that must have been minuscule. A couple of minutes after it's started, though, you know you're in the presence of people will surprise and delight you."- Joe Morgenstern "Wall Street Journal" 

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 84% Audience- 77%

Out of a possible 5 stars- 4 1/2 stars

My Review-

This movie does not seem like it was only made in 12 days, it seems like it too longer and with the actors they have for this movie they pulled it off. This one of those movies I found randomly well looking at movie trailers online, and it was when I saw the trailer for the movie I knew it would be a good movie, and since. This is almost like all the indie movies that I usually watch, is that the conversations between the characters seem real and genuine along with the characters themselves. Same goes with this movie, I think the director probably took something that happens all the time and wrote a wonderfully directed and acted movie around it and it paid off. Mark Duplass is starting to become and actor I like watching in these types of movies and when he is in a movie I'am always looking forward to watching to see how he does and how he contributes to the film that he is acting in. From beginning to end this movie has you invested in to these characters and you care about everything that they do or how everything will turn out all the way to the very end. In my opinion I think that Emily Blunt should do more movies like these, since it seems like she is always in the big budget movies and not small indie films where as after watching this one she does an amazing job when she is not with top named actors and all that other stuff. With most of the indie movies I have seen on this list this seems to be one of the many ones people do not know about, but should. I highly recommend checking out this movie, and I hope you like it as much as I did.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Day 300: The Evil Dead (1981)

Directed By- Sam Raimi

Written By- Sam Raimi

Starring- Bruce Campbell, Ellen Sandweiss, Hal Delrich, Betsy Baker, Sarah York 

Run Time: 1 hr. 25 min. 

Critics Review- "In the league of "Night of the Living Dead" and "Jaws" where it continues to be immortal and outlive other horror classics in the face of changing movie going sentiment..."- Felix Vasquez Jr. "Cinema Crazed"

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 100% Audience- 81%

Out of a possible 5 stars- 5 stars 

My Review-

Ladies and Gentlemen I have reached Day 300 for my quest at watching one movie a day this year, and today I picked a movie to fit with what is going to night, a party at my friend's cabin so I chose to watch the original Evil Dead and man was this movie freaking awesome. I picked the perfect movie to hit 300 Days with and I am glad I finally got to finish the dam thing. With this being Sam Raimi's first movie he did a really really great job to start his career with and establish himself as an awesome director not including Spider-Man. This is one of the only other horror movies that actually had me scared most of the time since this was  a pretty trippy movie and I liked every minute of it, especially the parts that made me jump out of my seat. Now I can see why Bruce Campbell has become a cult icon since this movie came out his character Ash was so awesome and helped make the movie as good as it was. This movie blended horror and comedy together well like some of my favorite moves in this time of genre. I also really liked the special effects in the movie and it seemed like some of them were done in camera. After watching this I hope the remake can live up to the expectations of this one since this one seems like it should have never been touched, but after seeing the trailer for it and finally seeing this movie I have high hopes for the new movie. I think this WILL go on my list of my top horror movies, since it really had me scared at times and I miss that in a lot of horror films these days. I feel like I have missed out on so much by waiting this long to watch this movie, and know that I have finally watched it I am glad that this movie was number 300. This is one movie one to be added to the list of "Must Watch", if you have have not seen it yet, I know I loved it. I hope you do too. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day 299: UHF

Directed By- Jay Levey

Writer(s)- "Weird Al" Yankovic, Jay Levy

Starring- "Weird Al' Yankovic, David Bowe, Fran Drescher, Victoria Jackson, Kevin McCarthy, Michael Richards, Anthony Geary, Billy Barty, Trinidad Silva

Run Time: 1 hr. 37 min.

Critics Review- "Weird Al again proves himself the king of skit, spoof and everything in between."- Clint Morris "Moviehole"

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 57% Audience- 72%

Out of a possible 5 stars- 3 stars

My Review-

I have only seeing clips of this movie or caught half way in and then changed it, now that I have finally watched I liked it. This is probably the only movie with Weird Al in it and he is extremely funny along with Michael Richards. I LOVED the Indiana Jones spoof in the very beginning of the movie I think that is what got me hooked in the movie is that at times it was spoofing other movies along the way. I would like to know what happened to Victoria Jackson since she was kinda cute in this movie and now shes just whatever. I also like how at times it was really random and kind of went off the story then automatically went back to it without taking too long to go off course. At times it did seem like they were trying to hard to be funny, then it was able to be funny on its own, I think if I had seen this movie a long time ago, and watched it again later on it would still be funny. This one of those comedies you can never get tired of and I know I wont.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day 298: Quantum of Solace

Directed By- Marc Forster

Writer(s)- Paul Haggis, Neal Purvis, Robert Wade; Based on Ian Fleming's "James Bond"

Starring- Daniel Craig, Olga Kurylenko, Mathieu Amalric, Gemma Arteron, Judi Dench, Jeffrey Wright, Giancarlo Giannini

Run Time: 1 hr. 46 mins.

Critics Review- "Quantum of Solace feels more like a competent second act than a stand-alone film."- Sonny Bunch "Washington Times"

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 64% Audience- 62%

Out of a possible 5 stars- 2 1/2 stars

My Review-

This was not my favorite of the new bond series that has come out, granted there have only been 2 so far this was a bad one from the upgrade. Even though I think Daniel Craig is a great Bond, this movie should have not have continued from the first one, and at times I found myself lost in the film trying to figure out what the hell was going as the movie progressed. I found myself a little bored at times with the film and then it just ends abruptly and I did not know what to think of the ending. I will say that the action scenes were cool; car chases shootouts and others things. With the villain of this movie he did not seem like much of  a villain like from the one in the first movie this one just seemed annoyed and what not. I do hope that Skyfall is better than this one because this one was kind of a downer, James Bond could have been more of badass in this movie and he was just whatever.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day 297: The Blob (1958)

Directed By- Irvin Yeaworth

Written By- Kay Linaker, Theodore Simonson

Starring- Steve McQueen, Aneta Corsaut, Earl Rowe, Olin Howland

Critics Review- "The Blob is one of those B-movies that will always inhabit a warm little nook in the affections of SF fans but, truth, be told it's never quite as fun as it should be."- Ian Berriman "SFX Magazine"

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 69% Audience- 48%

Out of a possible 5 stars- 2 stars

My Review-

I have always wanted to see this film, and now that I finally have I expected it to be a LOT better than it was, and I was a little disappointed at the movie. One thing I liked about was the special effects for the blob which was really good for being made in 1958. This was also one of the first Steven McQueen movie I have ever watched and since this was his first movie he did I thought he did a pretty good job, I really think that this movie could have been a lot better and a lot more fun than it actually was, there were some scenes that I really liked and others I thought did not need to be in the film and I know for the late 50s this was probably the best they could do for a horror movie of that time but today it probably does not hold up that much, it seems like more of comedy now.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Day 296: Doubt

Directed By- John Patrick Shanley

Written By- John Patrick Shanley; Based On his Pulitzer Prize Winning Play: Doubt: A Parable 

Starring- Philip Seymour Hoffman, Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, Viola Davis, Joseph Foster

Run Time: 1 hr 44 min.

Critics Review- "Doubt has exact and merciless writing, powerful performances and timeless relevance. It causes us to start thinking with the first shot, and we never stop. Think how rare that is in a film."- Roger Ebert "Chicago Sun-Times" 

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 78% [CERTIFIED FRESH] Audience- 75%

Out of a possible 5 stars- 4 1/2 stars

My Review- 

I have wanted to see this movie since it first came out, and when I found out it was a play I wanted to read it first then watch the movie, however I had to do the opposite but it works out since the writer of the play is also the writer and director of the movie so that's cool. The one thing that really got me for this movie is the whole movie is based off one woman's observation and than let the suspicion which is like that for the whole movie and is like that for everyone in the movie and anybody watching it. This movie has all amazing actors in it from Hoffman to Streep which were my two favorite actors in this film and I really wanted to see these two go ahead to ahead with each other acting wise and I was extremely pleased, even though the actor I wanted to come out victorious did not, I was still extremely pleased. There were some flaws in the film but this whole film was held together by the powerful acting even by Viola Davis who was only in the movie for less than 10 minutes. After watching the movie I would love to read the play now to see how well or if the characters are explained even more than they were in the film. It's just that this whole movie has you thinking from the time of incident to the last minutes of the film and that is what I really loved about this movie and really love about movies that do this. So it is official Philip Seymour Hoffman is my new favorite actor for the longest time it was Will Smith since I was about a kid actually, now Hoffman is at the top of the list and this movie sealed the deal for me that he can switch from being very funny in a comedy to a drama like this one with the snap of a finger. This is one movie that should not be missed, the acting is outstanding, the story will make you think and this is one movie that could have worked in anytime era, but I like the one the writer chose since it was from his play it seems like he chose to stay with his play which I will read very soon in the near future. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Day 295: King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters

Directed By- Seth Gordon

Starring- Steve Wiebe, Billy Mitchell, Walter Day, Brian Kuh, Todd Rogers, Steve Sanders, Doris Shelf

Critics Review- " Hollywood may find it difficult to cast two big-name stars willing to play is as broadly as the real-life hero and villain of this tale. Nor would many self-respecting scriptwriters dare to match the sheer improbability of these actual happenings."- Ronnie Scheib "Variety"

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 96% [CERTIFIED FRESH] Audience- 92%

Out of a possible 5 stars- 4 1/2 stars 


My Review- 

This is the second film I'am watching that was recommend by the hosts of the podcast, Yeah, It's That Bad. I'm not that much of  a gamer but I do play my share of games, so watching this movie was really good also since I have never really played the game Donkey Kong before. What really got me for this documentary was that this man Steve Weibe was trying to break a record that was set in the early 80s and the record holder Billy Mitchell, who was essentially to me a dick, would do whatever it took to keep that record as his own, since it was said in the movie its like something he wants to be known for the rest of his life (or it was something like that). This not much of a rivalry between Weibe and Mitchell since Mitchell really did not want anything to do with Weibe which sucked, since Weibe was willing to meet him. That's why I felt so bad for Weibe, in the film. This was also very interesting because I got to see a more competitive side to gaming and how seriously people take it; they live and breathe gaming every day of their lives and they even started an organization to keep track of everything about gaming which was pretty neat. This documentary was a mix of a lot of things you had the villain and the hero and you were rooting for the hero the whole entire time, I found myself getting mad while watching it mostly because of how much of a jackass Mitchell was to Weibe and how he did not even acknowledge him. I wish I had played Donkey Kong so I could get a sense of how competitive that the game was too these two men, and how much they would give or not give up to keep or make a new high score. I recommend this documentary if you are a game lover, like documentaries in general or just want to see a well made documentary that has you hooked from beginning to end. One of the last things I really liked about this doc, was the music. It used a mix of 80s music and video game music at the right moments in it, especially the main menu which used 8 bit music which I really loved and once I saw and heard the main menu I knew I was going to like it. I hope you will like it as well. 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Day 294: Ratatouille

Directed By- Brad Bird, and Jan Pinkava  

Written By-  Brad Bird

Starring- Patton Oswald, Lou Romano, Ian Holm, Janeane Garofalo, Peter O'Toole, Brian Dennehy, Peter Sohn, Brad Garrett, Will Arnett, James Remar  

Run Time- 1hr. 50min.

Critics Review- "A film as rich as a sauce bearnaise, as refreshing as a raspberry sorbet, and a lot less predictable then the damn food metaphors and adjectives all us critics will churn out to discuss it. OK, one more and then I'll be done; it's yummy."- David Asen "Newsweek"

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 96% Audience- 84%

Out of a possible 5 Stars- 4 1/2 stars

My Review- 

Now that I have finally seen this movie, I have seen every Pixar movie ever made. So now it's officially hard to figure out which one is actually my favorite out of all of them, but I know this one will possibly be near the top if I ever come up with a list. One of the reasons why this movie is so amazing is that it's all about food and how much love can go into cooking and I love the motto of the movie "anybody can cook". Which is what made the movie work since it was a rat cooking most of the food in the movie. Patton Oswalt was the best choice for the roll of Remy, I could not picture anyone else as the voice and what else I loved about all actors in this movie is that I loved their what too me is a almost flawless French accent, which I thought was really cool. I do not know what took me so long to watch that Pixar movie, when I loved every minute of it. Possibly because it was about food and Paris, since I love food and really want to visit Paris so this movie was just amazing. I will differently add this movie to my Pixar collection which is quite small at the moment. If you have not seen this movie, even though most of you have. I suggest you watch it again since this is one of the many Pixar movies that can be watched more than once, I know I will be watching this numerous times.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Day 293: Paranormal Activity 4

Directed By- Henry Joost, Ariel Shulman

Writer(s)- Zack Estrin, Christopher B. Landon

Starring- Katie Featherson, Kathryn Newton, Brady Allen, Matt Shively, Stephen Dunham, Alexondra Lee

Critics Review- "The scares are hit-and-miss, but at least Alex and Ben are fun to hang out with."- Rafer Guzman "Newsday"

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 30% Audience- 63%

Out of a possible of 5 stars- 1 star

My Review-

This has got to be the worst movie in the series, and I haven't even see the third one yet. The people that wrote this did a horrible job if they wanted to scare people, for many reasons. They let us know when the "scary" parts were coming up without letting is get scared or surprised at those scenes. The best part of this movie was Mat Shively who played the boyfriend in the movie and made the parts he was in funny and watchable. Other than that I found myself bored and at times texting people, because I had nothing else to do and with the movie being really slow I was able to do that. This was the only movie I have ever done this and hopefully the last time. If you have seen the first 3 movies than this one maybe watchable for you, if you haven't seen any of them then don't watch this it's not worth it. They should have stopped at the first two, now there is work they may make another one which I a HORRIBLE idea!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Day 292: Easy Rider

Directed By- Dennis Hopper

Writer(s)- Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper, Terry Southern

Starring- Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper, Jack Nicholson

Run Time: 1hr. 35min.

Critcs Review- "The classic counterculture clash led by anti-heroes Fonda and riveting and rebellious as its subversive soundtrack."- Frank Ochieng "Movie Eye

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 85% Audience- 80%

Out of a possible 5 stars- 4 1/2 stars

My Review-

I have always wanted to see this movie ever since hearing how good it was, and it i really good. For the time era when it was released I can see why it was controversial, and praises when it was released. Well I can see if it had come out today I would be praised for who it portrayed that time era like it was praised when it first released. I loved the acting by everyone in this movie especially from Jack Nicholson even though he was not in it for that long, I believe he deserved the award nomination and maybe should have won for that year, even though I do not know who else was nominated. I had one thing about the movie is that I wish it was longer by maybe 15 minutes. I also really liked the music in the movie since it fit with that era and also I really liked that type of music. I have always liked Dennis Hopper as an actor and to see something he directed was really cool, and I think he did a great job. If you have ever wanted to see this movie I recommend it, since it is also on those lists of movie to see before you die and it should be on those lists and your list as well.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Day: 291: The Innkeepers

Directed By- Ti West

Written By- Ti West

Starring- Sara Paxton, Kelly McGillis, Pat Healy

Run Time: 1hr 41min.

Critics Review- "It has some charm but is quite underwhelming." Allan Hunter "Daily Express"

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 79% Audience- 42%

Out of a possible 5 stars- 2 1/2 stars

My Review-

This is the second film I'am watching from Ti West the first being The House of the Devil, which I also reviewed for my list this year. However I liked the other one more than I did this one, I think it was because it seemed  a lot slower, than I thought it would be and I also hoped it would have been scarier. Do not get me wrong the jump scenes were perfect for this movie, and I did like the character Luke played by Pat Healy. Other than that for me it was just an okay movie, even though I really liked how it was told in chapters and and have a prologue and epilogue, that was one thing that I really liked about it, and I also guess that I do not really thing Paxton can do well in a horror film since she normally does chick flicks or  movies I would not really care to watch in the first place. I will give West this for not really being a big horror director he knows how to stretch scenes and make you want to see what happens next, even if it doesn't pay off part of the time. With this type of movie I Can see how the ratings could be one sided, probably with critics it was something new and sort of fresh, and with the audience I would think they wanted more from this film. I would recommend this movie if you like horror movies and want to see something new, but if you would want something that's slow and sort of builds up also watch it. Since it is sort of worth the watch.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Day 290: Safety Not Guaranteed

Directed By- Colin Trevorrow

Written By- Derek Connolly

Starring- Aubrey Plaza, Mark Duplass, Jake Johnson, Karan Soni

Critics Review- "Safety Not Guaranteed is droll and hilarious, but there isn't a cheap laugh in it, and the ending is so perfect it sends you soaring."- Rene Rodriguez "Miami Herald" 

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 93% [CERTIFIED FRESH] Audience- 87%

Out of a possible 5 stars- 5 stars

My Review-

I wanted to watch this movie ever since I heard about it, and saw the trailer for it. I just never thought I would like it as much as I did. I will do my best to not include any spoilers or even mild spoilers in this review. since this is quite possibly one of the best Indie films I have ever watched on this list. I loved the story-line of the movie, where it takes place and I think the right actors were picked for this type of film. I sort of do not even know where to start this review with this film, since I think this one indie film that kind of went unnoticed when it should have been a huge movie by word of mouth. I will start with the acting, I have always liked Mark Duplass in the types of films that he does which are heartfelt indie comedies such as this one and well since he is in The League which I watch he is already a good actor to me. Another person I liked in this movie was Jake Johnson whom where in this movie he was like a more adult version of Nick from New Girl and when I say adult I mean he did not really care what came out of his mouth. With Aubrey Plaza this is the only other movie I have seen with her in it the other being Funny People, which was not all that funny. With this movie I almost fell in love with her, she is funny in this movie as well can pull off the dramatic aspect that went along with it. Time traveling is always a really cool subject for a movie and with this is the type of movie it worked perfectly where once the story kicked in you were hooked and wanted to see what would happen next, and I was like that with this movie until the very end. I love how the whole movie became based off a fake article that said: "Wanted: Somebody to go back in time with me. This is not a joke. You'll get paid after we get back. Must Bring your own weapons. I have only done this once before. Safety not guaranteed." With this concept came one of my new favorite movies to watch and cannot wait to watch again and possibly talk about with some other person who has also seen it. I know I tend to always say I recommend this movie if I really like it, and I will say the same for this one as well but, once again out of most of the Indie films I have seen on this list this is by far my favorite one, and is one movie I will never get tired of watching over and over again. What I also loved about this movie is that it had a lot of funny quotes as well that made the movie even better as it went along. This movie was the perfect premise for time traveling and I think since it can be considered sort of a sc-fi movie the sc-fi fans will love it, even if you just like time traveling in general I think you will love it.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 289: Rashomon

Directed By- Akira Kurosawa

Writer(s)- Akira Kurosawa, Shinobu Hashimoto

Starring- Toshiro Mifune, Machiko Kyo, Minoru Chiaki, Masayuki Mori, Takashi Shimura, Kichijiro Ueda

Critics Review- "An ultimate classic that changed how films were told forever. By telling the story from each character's point of view, "Rashomon" explored how narrative can be biased, and how one person's story is never the whole tale. I highly recommend this film."- Vanessa Sibbald ""

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 100% [CERTIFIED FRESH] Audience- 93%

Out of a possible 5 stars- 5 stars 

My Review- 

I have always heard about Kurosawa in my film classes and how great of a director he was. And after watching this I have to agree with the people that said that. I really enjoyed this movie for many reasons, one of them being there were different perspectives and stories to the incident that took place. I also the movie was big on the exterior scenes where well frankly the whole movie takes place. there is a scene where the woodcutter is walking through the forest and its all visuals as he is walking and for me it was done so well I thought I was in the forest with him looking around. I also really liked how there were about 4 different stories and it was up to us to find out which story was the truth, even though it is answered at the end, you should watch it to see which on was the true story in the movie. I really like watching old movies like this sometimes for many reasons; some of them being that they had to use the resources around them and did not have a lot of time to fix certain things and at times had to keep things in they possibly did not want to keep. This was also a movie about someone that started to lose their faith in man because of the events that took place and this where I stop talking about the film, because this movie is a MUST see for all film fanatics and for those who just like watching old movies. I highly recommend it since the movie is darn good; for the way it is shot, the acting, the story and how its one of those movies where you do not know who to believe until the truth is finally revealed.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day 288: Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

Directed By- Clint Eastwood

Written By- John Lee Hancock; Based Upon the Book By John Berendt 

Starring- Kevin Spacey, John Cusack, Jude Law

Critics Review- "Spacey, the best reason to see Midnight, gives his usual suave, effortless performance."- Rob Gonsalves ""

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 47% Audience- 63%

Out of a possible 5 stars- 4 1/2 stars 

My Review- 

This movie was a little too long, however this movie is really good soley based on Spacey's performance. He was just smooth as fuck in the movie, its like you want to like him even more in the movie, even though he's the sort of villain in the movie. I always heard this movie was really good and it was I just thought it was way to long for this time of movie and I thought it could have done with out a certain part of the storyline that did not work for me.  Other than that I loved how the movie took place in Georgia and hearing all the accents was really cool. What really got me about this movie is that it is based on a true story and I like those types of movies. I'm really surprised that the critics hated this movie I thought it would have a higher rating than it has right now. I think it should at least be a 60% but not a 47%, but hey it was there decision to make it that percentage. This movie had quite the cast of characters but that's what made the movie work. This was almost like any other legal drama, expect it was true and it involved voodoo which was different. I would recommend this movie but it is  a little too long, but Spacey is worth watching it he makes the movie what it is. I actually would like to read the book now after seeing the movie too see if anything is left out or if anything was added in the movie. As I said before this movie should be seeing because of Kevin Spacey, and his performance. 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Day 287: Safe House

Directed By- Daniel Espinosa 

Written By- David Guggenheim 

Starring- Denzel Washington, Ryan Reynolds, Vera Farmiga, Brendan Gleeson, Sam Shepard, Robert Patrick, Liam Cunningham, Joel Kinnaman 

Critics Review- "Nothing really new here, but the cast is first-rate."- Richard Roeper "Richard"

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 54% Audience- 65%

Out of a possible 5 stars- 2 stars 

My Review- 

This movie could have been a little better, even though some parts are really good, other parts drag on or do not fullfill expectations. Some of the acting is really good while others were just predictable or seemed flat. One thing that worked well for this movie was the actions scenes; such as car chases, shoot-outs and hand to hand fight scenes. Since this movie is kind of predictable at times it ruins it at times while other times you do not see certain things coming; they did a good job of trying to show who was bad and who wasn't and when it was finally revealed it was sort of shocking but not at the same time. Some actors were really good in this movie even though they had sort of a small part, and it sucks because since Reynolds and Washington are the main characters they did not to all that well only parts of the movie they did really well. My favorite character in the movie was Joel Kinnaman's even though he was bad I still liked his small part in the movie. I thought the execution of the movie could have been a lot better as well, since some scenes were like "come on really?" I did however like the ending of the movie since the whole thing was based on some file it was shown how the file was used at the end. The trailer and everything about the movie is very misleading from what it is actually about and it was both a good thing and a bad thing by whoever promoted this movie, since I went to this movie thinking something entirely differently from what the movie really was and that kind of sucked for me. I you can watch this movie if you; if your a fan of the actors in the movie than I would say watch it or if you like movies with some twists then watch it as well other than that I would say skip it.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Day 286: Argo

Directed By- Ben Affleck

Written By- Chris Terrio Based on the Book "The Master of Disguse" By- Antonio J. Mendez and "The Great Escape" By- Joshuah Bearman

Starring- Ben Affleck, Bryan Cranston, Alan Arkin, John Goodman, Chris Messina, Kyle Chandler, Victor Garber, Tate Donovan, Clea DuVall, Tom Lenk, Richard Kind, Kerry Bishe

Critics Review- "Argo is a triumph. It has tension, sincerity, mystery, artistic reprehensibility, entertainment value, technical expertise, a narrative arc and a thrilling respect for the traditionof how to tell a story with minimum frills and maximum impact."- Rex Reed "New York Observer" 

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 94% [CERTIFIED FRESH] Audience- 90%

Out of a possible 5 stars- 5 stars


My Review-

Ben Afflleck seems to be a better director at times than he is as an actor, with this movie it is not the case; he's really good at both. One thing I really liked about this movie is how it started, since it is about making a fake movie; the very beginning is shown to us as storyboards with a history lesson that led to events that take place in the movie, and that's when the movie had me hooked. As I was watching the movie I had actually kind of wondered why we never learned about it in the history classes that I took, since they only everyone knew about this was through a movie. This is one of those movies that has you on the edge of your seat the whole entire time, and well at the same time the film manages to poke fun at Hollywood; since it was about making a fake movie. When it came to this part of the movie, John Goodman and Alan Arkin were both spot on with the comedy the scenes with them took away from the tension in the movie so as an audience it was a little breathing room and we were able to laugh at something for a change. As you can tell above this movie had a all-star cast who were just amazing in the movie, even some of the actors who had little or no lines at all were really good. There were a few that I really enjoyed on screen one of them being Bryan Cranston, I always like seeing him in movies to see what he is going to do next or how he is going to act in the role and he always amazes me that way. This is possibly the best movie by far that Ben Affleck as directed and hopefully he will get a few Oscar nominations with this movie since it deserves them. For me this movie kept me at the edge of my seat the whole time that at times I almost felt like yelling at the movie screen while some scenes were playing out. One of my favorite parts of the whole movie was the Hollywood part it was non stop one liners and really bashing Hollywood for what it was at that time, well Goodman played real life make-up artist John Chambers and Alan Arkin played a made up Hollywood producer, I believe they played both their parts really well and made it believable they were making a real movie, at times I wanted too see what Argo was going to look like. Even though it does have a good rating on Rotten Tomatoes I do think it could be a little higher maybe like a 97%, and for it being based on a True Story it was very well told especially during the credits. This was the type of movie that at the end it showed side by side comparisons of the actual incident and scenes from the movie which I thought was really great to show all that at the end of the film. This should be one of the movies that you see this year, and I do expect or hope to see Oscar nominations when awards season rolls around.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Day 285: Skyline

Directed By- Brothers Strause

Writer(s)- Joshua Cordes, Liam O'Donnell

Starring- Eric Balfour, Scottie Thompson, Brittany Daniel, Donald Faison, David Zayas, Crystal Reed

Critics Review- "Skyline packs some impressive money shots, however with its tracing-paper-thin script there's not enough propping up these whizz-bang set pieces."- Simon Reynolds "Digital Spy"

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 16% Audience- 19%

Out of a possible 5 stars- 1 1/2 stars

My Review-

This movie felt that it should have come on the SyFy channel and not in theaters. The special effects were really good in some scenes well others they were not so great, and the characters in this film I really did not seem to care about them, they all were moronic and deserved what they got in a way since they were doing really stupid things throughout the movie. There were some scenes that were in slow motion, and they did not  need to be in slow motion, I was trying to figure out why the directors chose to that when it was not need. this movie kept dragging on and on as well and I just wanted it to be over with and the Aliens win, and I guess in a way they kinda did. There is nothing else I really have to say about this movie other than that it should have been on the Syfy channel as I said before and I'm glad I did not go watch this in theaters because I would have walked out.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Day 284: The Gate

Directed By- Tibor Takacs

Written By- Michael Nankin

Starring- Stephen Dorff, Christa Denton, Louis Tripp, Kelly Rowan, Jennifer Irwin

Critics Review- "It is not a great horror film, but you never get the urge to turn it off, either." - Douglas Pratt "DVDLaser"

Rotten Tomatoes Review- Critics- 33% Audience- 45%

Out of a possible 5 stars- 3 stars

My Review-

While this movie is not that bad it is still kind of cheesy, but in a good way. for being made in 1987 it had some pretty cool special effects, but aside from that the characters could be morons at times. I was really surprised that this was Stephen Dorff in the movie and I would like to know how old he was when he made this movie, and to see how far he has come now is pretty darn cool. One of the things that I thought did not go with the movie is that it called The Gate when I think it should have been called The Hole since it was literally a hole in the ground. Some scenes I was trying to figure out what the hell the actors were doing, since they were just standing around when shit was goin down when they could have helped ou or something. For being Dorff's first movie he wasn't that bad, but the actor that played his friend was annoying. I think I will have to watch this movie again another time too see if I missed anything, and to refresh my memory when I record for cinemaddicts. So to here what I thought about this movie I will let you know when the episode goes up. Unt then if you like cheesy horror films or when it turns into a comedy than check this movie out.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Day 283: Prometheus

Directed By- Ridley Scott

Writer(s)- Damn Lindelof, Jon Spaihts

Starring- Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Charlize Theron, Idris Elba, Guy Pearce, Logan Marshall-Green, Sean Harris, Rafe Spall

Critics Review- "Brilliant. Epic. Haunting. Grotesque. Great."- Richard Roeper "Richard"

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 73% Audience- 72%

Out of a possible 5 stars- 4 stars 

My Review- 

I really do not know where to begin with this movie, even though I really liked it the movie it is hard to find a place to start with this review. One thing I will say is that this movie was brilliantly casted with really good actors to be in the film; some of the actors I liked were Idris Elba, Noomi Rapace, and Michael Fassbender. Especially Fassbender's portrayal of the android David, he just seemed like such a badass in the movie even though he did not show any emotion at all. There was no part of this movie where I found myself bored, I enjoyed every minute from beginning to end, even though at times I would have hoped they would have answered some questions that were left up in the air in some parts. Besides that there were some scenes that stood out more than others, and I really like how Ridley Scott did do this movie to somewhat of a prequel to Alien, and I think I would have enjoyed this movie even more if I had not seen Alien first. I like how there were many scenes that paid homage to Alien since was most likely eventually going to lead to it. When the extra scene came up I almost even crazy along with my brother, but still like I said before IF I had never seen Alien before and watched this as the lead in to Alien I would have liked it more. One thing that I really liked this movie was the opening scene where it showed one of the "engineers" well actually before, it was when the planet was being seen for the first time and I felt like I was on the Soarin ride and California Adventure, since it was showing VAST scenery and every thing about the planet I thought it was really really cool. I would recommend this movie if you have seen Alien before because there is a 50/50 chance you may or may not like it. I know I enjoyed it and I will be looking forward to watching this movie again to try to see if I missed anything. One last thing I really do hope a sequel does get made because of the way that it ended, so that the questions that everyone had will get answered and if not then well that sucks.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Day 282: Hot Shots! Part Deux

Directed By- Jim Abrahams

Writer(s)- Jim Abrahams, Pat Proft

Starring- Charlie Sheen, Lloyd Bridges, Valeria Golino, Brenda Bakke, Richard Crenna, Miguel Ferrer

Critics Review- "One of the pleasures of watching a spoof like this is to spot the references; it's like a quiz on pop art."- Roger Ebert "Chicago Sun-Times"

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 59% Audience- 61%

Out of a possible 5 stars- 2 1/2 stars

My Review-

Well this was an enjoyable movie, and funny in some moments, I still find the first one a lot funnier. I do like how they brought back some storylines from the first movie and introduced a whole bunch of new characters that were really funny. One of my favorite scenes, was when they sort of recreated Apocalypse Now voice over with this one and MARTIN SHEEN was in the movie which was really damn awesome. Also like how they used a lot of popular movies to go along with this one, such as Terminator 2, and Star Wars: A New Hope, I think those scenes in the movie is what sold me on this movie when some parts were not as funny as others. One thing that also stood out for me is that it used a lot of gags that both worked and did not work in the previous film, even though Charlie Sheen was the main character in the film, Lloyd Bridges was still my favorite in this film and how when playing the president he was just a bumbling baffon who could not do anything right. I guess I both enjoyed this movie and disliked it at the same time, I do recommend it if you have seen the first one and maybe you will like this one. OH I almost forgot Mr. Bean was in the movie for like 10 mins and it was one of the funniest things in the movie.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Day 281: The Swell Season

Directed By- Nick August-Perna, Carlo Mirabella-Davis

Starring- Glen Hansard, Marketa Irglova 

Critics Review- "The Swell Season wins the documentary prize for beating viewers over the head with gentleness, with the duo accentuated in rich, photographic chiaroscuro."- Guy Dixon "Globe and Mail 

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 77% Audience- 78%

Out of a possible 5 stars- 4 stars 

My Review- 

When the movie Once came out it was one of my favorite films at the time. and I still like watching it from time to time especially for the music which was all written by Hansard and Irglova and since this documentary followed them after winning the Academy Award for best original song it was really cool to see what they went through after winning, and how learning how they were making music together way before Once  was released, it was cool seeing them work together, and also learning that they did have a relationship with each other at one point, but since Irglova was not used to everything (press, photographs. signing autographs), they ended up breaking it off, but it seems like it was the right thing too do at the time, it was also pretty neat how it was made the whole thing was in black and white, and I do not know how they decided to do that, we also got to learn a little more about Hansard's life and how he decided to get into music for the first time and to see how its lead to something he loves, after seeing this movie I would like to listen to more of the music from Hansard and Irglova. If t you liked the movie Once or just like documentaries in general I think you will like this one, it is a very interesting one and also hearing them sing really good music is really awesome. 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Day 280: Pootie Tang

Directed By- Louis C.K.

Written By- Louis C.K

Starring- Lance Crouther, Wanda Sykes, Chris Rock, Jennifer Coolidge, Robert Vaughn, J.B. Smoove, Andy Richter, Reg E. Cathey 

Critics Review- "A bona fide cult object in the making"- Dennis Lim "Village Voice"

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 29% Audience- 55% 

Out of a possible 5 stars- 2 1/2 stars

My Review- 

This movie is just...WOW, I do not even know where to begin with this movie. Well it was enjoyable and funny, it was still I had no idea what was going on at times. On of the things that saved this movie for me was that Louis C.K. wrote and directed this movie, also the J.B. Smoove was hilarious as the narrator of the film usually just repeating the same thing over again when he had already explained something. I would not really recommend this movie though, I mean if you want to watch it go right ahead, because the movie does have some really funny parts and then some parts where I wanted to know what the hell was going on. I do believe in time though that this will become a cult classic maybe in a few more years, but not right now.