Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day 341: Carnage

Directed By- Roman Polanski

Writer(s)- Yasmina Raza, Roman Polanski

Starring- Christoph Waltz, Kate Winslet, Jodi Foster, John C. Reilly

Run Time- 1 hr. 20 min.

Critics Review- "The astonishing Waltz steals the picture, possibly because he's one with a rational perspective (despite his telephonic obsessiveness): He see the whole exercise as pointless. Ultimately, so do we."- John Anderson "Newsday" 

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 72% Audience- 66%

Out of a possible 5 stars- 2 stars

My Review-

I do not see how this was a good movie, it has a high rating from both critics and the audience, but I found it very boring and having it take place in an apartment the whole movie was a bad idea. I mean if the movie was entertaining I would understand and I may have liked the movie a little more, but I did not find it entertaining I just wanted to end. I'm starting to think maybe it is because I feel like shit I just wanted to end or may it was just that bad. I agree and disagree with the critic above, Reilly and Waltz were the best parts of the movie, its surprising that a movie full of Academy Awards Winners and nominee's that the movie did not do that well in my opinion. I would say skip this movie its not worth it, only for Christoph Waltz and John C. Reilly it is and that is about it.

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