Saturday, December 8, 2012

Day 343: Rubber

Directed By- Quentin Dupieux

Written By- Quentin Dupieux

Starring- Stephen Spinella, Jack Plotnick, Wings Hauser, Roxane Mesquidam

Run Time- 1 hr. 25 min.

Critics Review- "Rubber" has anthropomorphic, head-scratching fun with its gory B-movie trappings, silly music cues, self-referential comedy and deliberately off-kilter acting."- Robert Abele "Los Angeles Times"

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 68% Audience- 45%

Out of a possible 5 stars- 4 1/2 stars

My Review-

I'm first going to start off this review with the opening quote from the movie which had me hooked once the scene was over. Hopefully it will have you hooked as well. Not to mention its like the actor is breaking the fourth wall talking to the audience briefly with giving anything way what the movie is going to be about.

"In the Steven Spielberg movie E.T., why is the alien brown? No reason. In Love Story. why do the  
   two characters fall madly in love with each other? No Reason. In Oliver Stone's JFK, why is the president suddenly assassinated by some stranger? No Reason... I could go on for hours with  more examples. The list is endless. You probably never gave it a thought, but all great films. without exception, contain an important element of no reason. And you know why? Because life itself is filled with no reason...Why do some people love sausages and other people hate sausages? No fucking reason."

There is actually no reason to why everything that happens in this movie. Which made it freaking awesome. Like why is there a tire that all of a sudden starts killing people? No reason. Ever since those opening lines above I was into this movie, come on is a movie about a killer tire, its possibly the weirdest and best concept at the same time. One top of that the tire "Robert" has psychic powers which is cool for a movie that is already out there. What I loved even more about the movie is that there was a group of people watching it has it unfolded and I loved their input on certain scenes or how they would react when something really awesome or sudden happened. This was a very enjoyable movie because it clearly states that most of this is happening for no reason. Also the concept about a killer tire is pretty damn original and its ridiculous and awesome at the exact same time. People who love B-movies or movies that are ridiculous for the hell of it will love this movie. I could watch this movie over and over again and not get tired of it. It was just that awesome, I suggest that if you have been on the fence about this movie, just watch it I'm hoping it will not disappoint you, I did not disappoint me, I am glad that I waited to watch this movie for my list this year and got to review it. So all in all go check this movie out; cool concept, the acting is great for the B-movie feel and it was some pretty cool music. 

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