Monday, December 31, 2012

A Journey's End

366 Movies In 2012

Last year, I came up with the idea to watch a movie every single day this. Some days I did not want to
watch a movie, some days I was really excited to watch one. When it comes down to it I am really glad that
I was able to keep this going. Even after 50 days I was surprised I made this far, then I hit 100 days, than 175 days, then finally 300 days. When I hit 300 Days I new I was close to finishing what I had started. I have seen some great movies, some good ones and some really bad ones, and then the ones that should
have never seen the light of day. Through it all I had some friends say they were surprised that I had made it as far as I did, or would suggest movies to me that sadly I did not get a chance to watch but I will soon. To all my friends and family that supported me in my quest to watch this many movies I thank you. I think without you and possibly me not being so lazy at times I would have never finished this. within a few days or when I find time too or possibly when I feel like it, I will post a list of the 10 Worst Films I watched, The 10 Best Films I watched and Top Foreign Films, that I saw this year. So once again THANK YOU SO MUCH! and I already have an Idea of what I want to do next year. So when I actually know what I want to do I will let you all know.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on finishing your awesome blog! Way to stay committed :D
