Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 221: Cyrus

Directed By- Jay Duplass, Mark Duplass 

Writer(s)- Jay and Mark Duplass

Starring- John C. Reilly, Jonah Hill, Marissa Tomei, Katherine Keener, Matt Walsh

Critics Review- "A comedy of discomfort that walks a wonderful line between reality-based emotional honesty and engaging humor, it demonstrates the good that happen when quirky independent style combines with top-of-the-line acting skill."- Kenneth Turan "Los Angeles Times"

Rotten Tomatoes Rating- Critics- 80% Audience- 52%

Out of a possible 5 stars- 4 stars 

My Review- 

This is the third film from the Duplass brothers that I have reviewed; the others being The Puffy Chair and Jeff who Lives at Home, and out of all those I believe that this where they started to mature a little more, since this came out before Jeff who Lives at Home. I have been looking forward to watching this movie for sometime and now, and I was very pleased with the results after watching it. The thing is with the Duplass' they have a certain way of making a film of a style of filming that at times will make you enjoy the movie even more; such as scenes with the actors with dialogue that's off-screen and leads into the next, or subtle music very now and then and its not all over the movie, they use it when it is necessary in their films and this one of the reasons why I enjoy their films. They also tend to cast actors that at times you would not expect to portray a character like that. Such the case with Jonah Hill as the title character Cyrus, I believe that this was his first dramatic role before Moneyball, and he does drama quite well even if it is a little borderline creepy. While watching this movie I wanted to hit Jonah Hill, but then I came to realize that most likely what we did not see is that John C. Reilly's character was possibly the first person to ever come in between him and his mom, and upon seeing this he was afraid, him and his mom would get torn apart, hence Hill, trying to sabotage everything. This was really well acted by everyone including the supporting characters Keener and Walsh, who played characters who would come in every now and then and made the movie a little funnier when they were on screen. John C. Reilly seems to be taking more serious roles with a mix of comedy every now and then and it seems like he should be doing more of these types of films since he can pull off both. This one of the Duplass movies that should be seen along with two mention above so you can see what types of film makers these brothers are. At times the movie can be a little emotional and that is done all through the actors, they make their feelings for each other genuine and that something you do not see a lot in movies these days, it was not forced it was real. So yes I suggest you watch this movie when you do have the chance, and see what you thing about it. 

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